
5 things I want do before I die

I can’t image I die, but I hope that “I will smile when I will die, and my family and friends will cry. When I was a born, I cried, and my family smiled.” I mean it is I am nothing regret things in my life when I die, and I want to be a person who is loved by family and friends like same when I was born.

1. I want to visit all over the world.

I want to see pyramid in Egypt, I want see aurora in Alaska, and I want to go Venezuela to see how woman beautiful because Venezuela is best producing miss universe. I want to communicate Italian to know how they passionate and I want to swim in Dead Sea to feel how I can float.

2. I want to work off 10kg healthy.

I am so lazy because I always say I will work off my weight from tomorrow. I mean I can’t stop eating sweets. However, absolutely, after I have a baby, I will star to dance again to shape up and become healthy. Then, I want to enjoy fashion, and especially I want my husband to fall in love again and again.

3. I want to appreciate lots for my father and mother.

My mother loves foods, so I want to trip with my mother, and I want my mother to eat delicious and luxurious food which is she wants. If I am a rich woman like a super star, I would buy a car for my father, but it is dream, and in fact I do filial piety for my father difficult because my father wants to live developing country after he will retire his jobs, so I will visit my father once a year with my cute baby and husband.

4. I want to run English conversation house by myself.
When I am about 40 or 50 years old, I want to teach children English likes David English House because No David English House No life and I want to teach about how wonderful to communicate people who are not Japanese.
(David English House is English conversation school, but it closed now)

5. I want to fall in love with an attractive man
I am a woman, so I dream about happy married life. I will hold a cute baby, and my husband will be smiling. My husband should be genres and little strict because of me.What man type do you want to marry with?

What do you think about 5 things I want to do before die? Is it good or bored to death? I think someone think it is bored because 5 tings is ordinary things, but I think ordinary thing is very important for me. When I roll over in my bed, I smile with my family and I can see sky at 5’ o clock because once in a great while sky is pink, I am happiest in the world. That‘s why I say ordinary thing is important, and I love ordinary things.

12 件のコメント:

yu-chim さんのコメント...

I want to visit all over the world too!!
However, if you will have your family, it is difficult and you need a lot of money I think...
When do you want to go and how to save a lot of money?

MOMO さんのコメント...

Thank you for your comment.
I agree with you. I think it is difficult to save money, so I will save money constantly or I have to marry a rich guy.lol

I think I will go when I was so old after retired or I will do volunteer like peace board, and I can go all over the world.

jh さんのコメント...

I think you have a really interesting list - especially floating in the Dead Sea!

For me, I have always wanted to go to Nepal and to sit outside just staring at the mountains. These days I have started to think that I shouldn't go, just in case it is not as good as my image!

What do you think - should I go?

B.B さんのコメント...

You wrote "I want to appreciate lots for my father and mother". I think it is very nice and important. At the present day, do you convey to your parents your appreciation? If so, how to do?

MOMO さんのコメント...

Thank you for your comment, I really want to do someday.

I think If you regret before you die, you should go. You can find yourself which is 10years boy's heart. If you worry about case it is not as good as your image, you can plan different fun too.
My friend tall me I hate regret which is not trying, but I think good regret which is trying.

If you go,it is not so good, but you can find different things. You can understand what's important like family, teatime, stuff like that. I think you can understand your mind more deeply at that time.
I were you, I will go there to refresh, and without any expectations that's way I would not be disappointed.

Eddie さんのコメント...

In the majority of your examples you talk about a partner. Would you rather travel the world by youself, or with your significant other?

jh さんのコメント...


I think your idea is very sensible! I especially like the idea that even if I don't find what I was expecting, I can find something else that is good (but unexpected). Thanks.

MOMO さんのコメント...

Hi, BB!
Thank you for your comment.
I call my mother once a week because I want to relieve for my mother. If I buck hometown, I will be a mother. I mean I do washing dishes and cloths, cook, cleaning rooms and pulling out the weed too. What a wonderful daughter!lol

My father live in Fukuyama to work. I help his work which is delivering newspapers, and I clean his room which is dirty when I visit father's house.

MOMO さんのコメント...

Both sound is good.
If I have a boyfriend or husband, I will go with my partner, and I can relief.
However If I go by myself, I can move without worry, and I can communiate a lot with local people.
I think depnds on at that time.

MOMO さんのコメント...
ginger さんのコメント...

I think to show your gratitude to your parents is very very nice!:)
Does your mother decide the countries she want to go?:)

MOMO さんのコメント...

thank you for your comment. I think mother choose country. However she hate air plane. That's big problem.